Logo crop resize Bookham Open Gardens 2024 A4 poster v1 290324 Bookham Open Gardens

Around 15 gardens around Great and Little Bookham open to raise funds for the Old Barn Hall.  In 2025 they will open on Sunday 15th June.

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Hardy Plant Society logo

Hardy Plant Society


link Website   facebook Main Facebook    facebook  Hardy Plant Facebook Community group - The Gardening Bubble    X_logo.jpeg X

link HPS local groups

link Details of HPS Plant Fairs

HPS Groups have stands at many of the RHS Shows and other similar shows

 National Gardens Scheme logo National Gardens Scheme
 (the ‘Yellow Book’)

Around 3,700 breath-taking private gardens opening for charity.   Find out what is open near you by searching or buying the relevant local area Yellow Book.

In 2020 NGS are running a series of Virtual Garden Tours where you can enjoy some gardens in the comfort of your own home.  They have launched a 'Support our gardens' appeal to make up for the loss in income for the charities they support.


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 Open Gardens logo Open Gardens – Surrey openings  Details village and town events.  You can search by county, postcode, date etc 
Plant Fairs Roadshow logo Plant Fairs Roadshow

A collective of specialist nurseries who hold plant fairs in South-East England featuring some of the leading independent nurseries in the area.

link Website

Plant Heritage logo Plant Heritage

The world’s leading cultivated plant conservation charity

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The Surrey Group meets in Cobham and has talks and group visits.  All talks are held at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Churchgate House, Downside Bridge Road, Cobham, KT11 3EJ.  Talks start at 7.45 pm; doors open 7.30pm.

link Plant fairs in Surrey 

 rare plant fair logo

Rare Plant Fair

They sell interesting and unusual plants from our nurseries and are held at beautiful gardens, a number of which are not frequently open to the public.

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Royal Horticultural Society logo Royal Horticultural Society

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link RHS Wisley Website    facebook RHS Wisley Facebook    X_logo.jpeg RHS Wisley X

link RHS shows and events at Wisley and elsewhere

link RHS Plant Finder

 Surrey Gardens Trust log Surrey Gardens Trust

The Surrey Gardens Trust, as an educational charity, aims to raise awareness of and to protect Surrey's rich heritage of outstanding historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes.

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  Surrey Horticultural Federation

The SHF is a non-profit making organisation bringing together horticultural organisations throughout Surrey. This website is for the use of member clubs, who can advertise events and talks.

link Website