Entrance fee
Visitors are welcome at all our meetings and pay £5. This charge also applies to national HPS members who are not members of our group and friends of members.
For members the fee is two home-grown plants or £2 – see under Plant/bulb/seedling sales & seed distribution.
How to join and fees
In order to belong to the Southern Counties Group, you must also be a member of the national Hardy Plant Society.
The annual membership of the Southern Counties Group is £5 for a single and £6 for a joint membership at the same address. If you are interested in joining or would like to know more about our activities, please see the Membership Secretary or other committee member at the meeting. Alternatively, please contact the membership secretary
You can download a membership form here: Download the HPS SCG membership form
You will also need to pay the annual membership fee of the national Hardy Plant Society, which is £17 for a single and £19 for a joint membership at the same address. You can find out more at https://hardy-plant.org.uk/join-us/ which gives options for joining online or by post.
Details of how to pay your national HPS membership fee can be found by following the instructions) and at the link https://hardy-plant.org.uk/join-us/
Why do I have to pay separate subscriptions to the national Hardy Plant Society and the group?
The local groups are separate entities which are registered with the national HPS. The latter is a registered charity and VAT-registered, whereas the local groups are not. Hence we have to keep the payments separate as Gift Aid cannot be claimed on our local subscription, nor would we want VAT deducted.